Johannesburg, 19 December 2019 – At Autoboys, we believe in doing business for the greater good. That’s why instead of giving our partners and clients a year-end gift, we’ve decided to donate towards the Adopt a Cot initiative.
Adopt a Cot is run by faith-based organisation Door of Hope and it has saved many abandoned babies in Johannesburg.
Owing to South Africa’s deep economic challenges and high poverty rates, some desperate parents feel that they have no other option but to abandon their babies. Over the years, many infants have been abandoned in dustbins, open fields, public toilets and even alongside train tracks.
However, in 1999 the Berea Baptist Mission Church decided to do something about this and developed the ‘Baby Box’. The Baby Box allows desperate mothers to leave their babies any time day or night for the church to take care of them.
Once a baby is placed, care workers are immediately notified and deployed. The children are then assigned to a crib with Door of Hope where they receive the best care.
As a donor, Autoboys has been assigned one of these cribs where we are donating costs towards the care of Baby ‘U’.
Adopt a Cot will regularly update us on the progress of Baby ‘U’ up until he is either adopted, reunited with his extended family, moved to a specialist home or joins the Door of Hope Village family.
Door of Hope views itself as being a home rather than an institution and that’s why the children of Adopt a Cot will find a community of moms and dads, ‘Aunts’ and ‘Uncles’, ‘cousins’, ‘Grannies’ and ‘Grandpa’s’ to love and cherish them.
We are proud to support Adopt a Cot and we’d like to thank all our partners and clients for helping us take care of Baby U’s needs in 2020.